Flocke in Oberhof
The BMW IBU World Championships Biathlon 2023 in Oberhof have convinced the fans: According to the guest survey of the Regional Association Thuringian Forest, 91 percent of the visitors want to come again. Photo: Christian Heilwagen
The BMW IBU World Championships Biathlon 2023 in Oberhof have convinced the fans: According to the guest survey of the Regional Association Thuringian Forest, 91 percent of the visitors want to come again. Photo: Christian Heilwagen

Survey evaluated: 91 percent of World Cup guests want to come again

The two World Championships in Oberhof at the beginning of the year were not only an absolute sporting highlight, but also a success for tourism. This is shown by the results of the guest survey that the Thuringian Forest Regional Association conducted together with the organisers and will use for further tourism development.

Which guests came to the World Championships? How did they move around, how long did they stay? And how did the region present itself? These and many other questions were asked of almost 1,300 fans during the luge and biathlon World Championships and evaluated afterwards. "The Thuringian Forest presented itself excellently and received a top score of 1.6 for overall satisfaction. We were able to leave a lasting positive impression on the guests, so that 91 percent of the respondents would like to visit the Thuringian Forest again. 58 percent of those surveyed are even specifically planning to do so within the next year or three years," said Antonia Sturm, Managing Director of the Thuringian Forest Regional Association, at the presentation of the results.

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